We are a group of Indian expats who has settled in Germany for decades. We have built our career here, kids have got educated, we have learnt the languages and have experienced all the challenges that a person can face in an alien land with unfamiliar language. We have vast experiences in the areas of career consultancy, financial solutions for corporates and individuals, business process flows and engineering solutions.

We have learnt to adapt to this new situation the hard way. Being here among the strangers, with completely different values and social norms. This is a land of promise, and that is the reason more than 20,000 people make Germany their homes every year, often with a lot of challenges. This calls for a platform to enable people all over the globe to look carefully before they decide to call Germany their homes. Finance is an area that always intrigues people – the financial goals for self, for children, finances for future and after retirement – all are addressed in consultative way. Corporates also take advantage of our expertise in this area. With the finest engineering and business brains, we are developing some solutions for engineering and shipping companies.

This is where we come in. Our team members are Germany certified financial advisors, professionals at very high positions in International European companies, guests lecturers in different universities and entrepreneurs – so we tick all the right boxes. Having deep insight into the startup eco-system, we provide expert consultancy in setting up the businesses, and help establishing the right processes.